Thursday, December 1, 2011

Animation Conversations - First

For this first post about anything related to animation I would like to start talking about Animation Magazine. I always was fond of those Magazines about everything in the world. People find a hobby or their job or whatever and read magazines about it! I used to think, how great it is a group of people determined to talk about the think you want to read about the most! And so I was thrilled when I found out there was such a magazine about my greatest passion! So hurray for Animation Magazine just for existing!

I'm certain that many of the subjects that I'll post here about animation will be taken out of the animation magazine issues or their website.

I then subscribed to the magazine and every month (more or less, december didn't have an issue for the annual subscription). So since July I've been receiving it! I also subscribed to their daily newsletter.

About the magazine I can tell you that my unfortunate first impression was that it is surprizingly small. It's a (roughly) 40 page magazine. And of course, there are some contents that don't interest me. But anyway, it is a pretty cool magazine that talks about a lot of animated stuff! And the daily newsletter definetely is worth subscribing!

The link for is in my sidebar in the "Awesome Animation Links".

Definetely worth it to check it out! In fact the last news I can see there right now is that the 'Oscar Animated Short Race' is now down to 10 animated shorts! You can read about it HERE.

Here is some photos of the issues I already have at home with me =)

Again, feel free to comment anything you read in this Blog. So what do you think of Animation Magazine??

The June/July Issue

The September Issue

The October Issue

The November Issue
See you next time!

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