Monday, December 16, 2013

Sharing Animation - Fast Film (Virgil Widrich, 2003)

For so long have I waited to find a good version of this animation online so I could share it here. I finally found one, and by the will of the biggest animation god (or goddess) out there, I will share it today!

This short film is absolutely brilliant. It's so complex, so insane and so beautifully done, that I think anyone would 'wow' at it.

This short is called Fast Film, directed by the austrian Virgil Widrich.

So this short uses printouts from films. They would choose a little bit of a film, cut it from the original and print every single frame in different pages so they can fold it and use it as a different object. So yes, for the films to be kind of screening inside the obects, the objects would have been printed, folded, photographed and replaced for the next one for every frame of film, which is 24 for each second. I would say in some parts there's definetely 10 or more films going on in different objects at the same time, so with simple math, they would have printed and folded and photographed around 240 objects for each second of film. Now the short has around 14 minutes! And it was photographed as a normal stop-motion animation, frame by frame, with a camera and a computer.

When you start to understand how this film was made, you start imagining how crazy it's making might have been done. And yes, it is crazy. All sort of fun facts: They watched around 1200 films to compile with around 400 of them every little piece they needed; They used around 65000 printouts and printed around 80000 pages out of one printer. So imagine the toners... they say it was around 12.000,- Euros of toners; There were 12 people working in the short, how hard would it be for them to fold those 65000 paper models. It took them about one year to do so.

I think this is so cool. The level of frame by frame manipulation is gigantic, I imagine the struggle to keep everything together without losing their minds!

HERE is the official website for this short.
Here's the MAKING OF:

The short was screened all over the globe, in 323 international festivals and won 36 awards. So here's Fast Film by Virgil Widrich!

Check out the other short movies from the Sharing Collection HERE!!

See you soon with another awesome short from this incredible art form that is animation!

No copyright and related rights infringements are intended with these sharings, all these animations are properties from their respective authors or studios always credited in the post.

Friday, December 6, 2013

Sharing Animation - Steamboat Willie (Walt Disney and Ub Iwerks - Walt Disney Studios, 1928)

Coming back from a long streak of animated music videos I want to return to, well let's call them normal short movies, but hopefully they don't have anything normal about them!

And of course, I wanted to come back BIG, so what else but a big classic!
One of the biggest in fact, Steamboat Willie, directed by Walt Disney himself and Ub Iwerks.

YES this is the short in which Mickey Mouse has that classic whistling song of his in the ship's wheel! This shirt is actually not the first Mickey appearance, he appeared in two other cartoons prior to this one, Plain Crazy and The Gallopin' Gaucho. But nevertheless, the original release date (November 18, 1928) was later considered Mickey's official birthday!

This was the first cartoon with synchronized sound. It was a parody of a Buster Keaton film, Steamboat Bill Jr. It is quite crude and as you may see, not at all the gentle Mickey we got to know over the years. But it's mad fun to watch how he grew!

I'm sure there's tons and tons of fun facts and other stories about this short, but I don't want to elongate myself here, since this is such a well known short.

So without further ado, here's Steamboat Willie by Walt Disney and Ub Iwerks, in the old times of Walt Disney Studios.

Check out the other short movies from the Sharing Collection HERE!!

See you soon with more and more sharings!

No copyright and related rights infringements are intended with these sharings, all these animations are properties from their respective authors or studios always credited in the post.