Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Disney Family Album - Milt Kahl and Ward Kimball

My Class 4 mentor from Animation Mentor send us every week a collection of links and references and videos about great animators, which is absolutely amazing!

Two of the animators he talked about and sent us some reference to watch were two of the Nine old Men, the great legendary animators that developed many of the Walt Disney animations that we know today!

So I wanted to share what seemed to be a television show about those great animators, called Disney Family Album! The first about the great draftsman and animator, Milt Kahl, and the second one about the toy and train nut, Ward Kimball.



I'll return with more of those awesome legends!

Thursday, July 4, 2013

Sharing Animation - Music Video - Look (Mrzyk & Moriceau, 2011)

Continuing with the animated music video sharing, this may look as a controversial one (mostly for the XX chromosome people out there).

The name of this one is Look, and it was directed by the great french artists Petra Mrzyk and Jean-François Moriceau.

Although it may be unnecessary to some people to watch this (mostly when diamonds appear... you'll understand that in a minute!) this animation has a very unique way to show cycles in work and great animation in a very stylish look! And also, to understand this you have to understand the song writer, Sébastien Tellier (this song is from his album Sexuality, coincidently enough), who apparently is considered quite a sexual guy in France. Well, I'm not surprised he has that fame, not after watching this definitely R-rated music video. I didn't know any of that before my little research... I just loved the song. I wonder what that says about me.

Anyway, talking about the Mrzyk & Moriceau duo! You can find a ton of stuff from this two around the internet. But so you know who we're dealing with, HERE is a link with more of their animted work and HERE is a link with some of their illustration work.

This music video is great, and I hope you enjoy it!
Look, by Mrzyt & Moriceau.

Check out the other short movies from the Sharing Collection HERE!!

See you soon with another animated music video. (IF I can find the video, this one is being hard on me!)

No copyright and related rights infringements are intended with these sharings, all these animations are properties from their respective authors or studios always credited in the post.

Wednesday, July 3, 2013

My Animations - Animation Mentor Class 03: Advanced Body Mechanics

Another term, another progress Reel!! Class 3 in Animation Mentor surely had as much fun as hard work!

My mentor this term was another great animator, this time from Dreamworks, called Drew Adams. In Dreamworks he worked in Kung Fu Panda 2, Puss in Boots, Rise of the Guardians and The Croods. Prior to that he have done some pretty cool stuff as well, like animate on 9, and in the game Call of Duty: Finest Hour. Also worked in 2D as an "inbetweener" in Atlantis, Treasure Planet and Home on the Range! Such a nice career!

Anyway, in Animation Mentor they started with a new program that is collaborative work among classes. Which means, that me and the rest of my class (being mentored and directed by Drew) we worked out a complete sequence (a very very short short, one and a half minutes). So for this term I have 2 new shots, a quick one, made just to get the engines started, and then we started pitching out ideas for our little story. My story actually won the voting process, although in the end we changed it quite a bit, so I don't even consider it mine, I consider it a story made by all of us.

This shot I made was the last shot of the sequence and it was the biggest shot I've ever made. Well, in Animation Mentor anyway. But unfortunately, due to some personal issues, I didn't manage to finish the polish phase completly, that's why the shot is not rendered and it's not so easy to look at as the other one =)

I'll finish it soon enough, right now I'm concentrating on the 4th term already, and this one surely will be a big challenge, since we're starting with the very important art of ACTING! Now things really start to get interesting, and difficult and subjective and... I'm so excited!

Ow, and another thing, I animated both shots with one of the new characters from animation mentor, my dear Stella! The only problem with this one, are the pony tails. Well, not a problem, more like a time consuming issue. But I loved animating her!

Here we go, I hope you enjoy it!

This time I wish you all a happy summer, and enjoy the sun for me! (I won't be seeing much of it!)

See you in 3 more months!

Monday, July 1, 2013

Getting into the acting mood!

Last week I started my fourth class in Animation Mentor! And now, after many many weeks working in making a character move in a believable way, now we not only have to do that, but make them move with a purpose, with inner feelings! Sounds crazy fun, and crazy hard!

To get into the acting mood here's a video of a very expressive animator! Amazing stuff! Thanks Joana Ullan for the share!